Our Center
Our center is structured for exploration and intergenerational interactions with elders living on
Episcopal Homes' campus. Teachers at Kinder Village help provide an environment that furthers children’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
Programming includes:
Age appropriate classrooms and play areas
Arts and crafts with Elders
Games with our active older adults
Music / Instruments / Movement
Language / Literacy
Large / Small Motor
Cooking Projects
Reading and Story Time with Elders
The children have access to on-site amenities:
Outdoor playground
Beautiful scenery and community park
Movie theater
Play center
The environment at Kinder Village establishes a foundation of learning throughout each day. Curriculum includes planned activities, projects, learning centers, and guided interactions between teachers and children. Our curriculum also emerges from the children: teachers plan learning experiences based on observations of the children's interests, skills and understanding. Teachers guide the children's experiences to correspond with their developmental characteristics and expressed interests.